6 Press Release Copywriting Secrets

I've written a lot of press releases over the years, got on the front page of newpapers several times on TV and on radio (a LOT of radio).

I've also written multiple online press releases - many getting over 40,000 views.

Here's a few tips:

1. For offline press releases DON'T tell them everything.

You want to tease in your press release so the TV, radio or newspaper HAS to call you to do the story.

Once a news outlet calls you your chance of getting a story is VERY high.

Also your press release should be short - one page or less with plenty of white space and a good newsworthy headline.

2. Do offline press releases in pairs.

In other words always have another sexy, enticing story to pitch as you're being interviewed for the first story. This is the biggest secret that even most publicity gurus don't get.

You can be back in the same paper, on the same radio show on the same TV show over and over and over if you do this right.

Keep in mind news outlets are desperate for more good stories and if you nail the first interview then they'll want to interview you again if you have anything really newsworthy for them.

So think 2 stories ahead.

3. It's your job to create the story. If your press release doesn't look like something that would appear on the front page of a newspaper then don't expect to get a response.

On the other hand if you can create pre-made sexy stories for the media they'll love you and come back to you over and over.

4. Online press releases are entirely different to offline press releases.

The primary objective of an online press release is NOT to get media coverage - it's search engine optimization.

While I was interviewed once by a major French newspaper as a result of an online press release this is an exception.

Don't expect media coverage from online press releases - the chances are slim to none.

5. With an online press release focus heavily on using a keyword phrase you want to optimize for.

That same keyword phrase should feature on the web page you link to from the online press release.

6. Give your reader a compelling reason to go from your online press release to your web page.

A free bonus, completing the story started in the press release, a free service, a free ebook etc etc.

If you don't do this you're pretty much wasting your time.

Views of a press release do NOT equate to sales or even hits to your website.

You have to create the desire for your prospect to click through.

Also read
6 Rules To Creating A Killer Press Release
Press Release Template
Radio Copywriting

Kindest regards,
Andrew Cavanagh

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