Mike Filsaime 7 Figure Code Mistake?
Mike Filsaime just realeased his 7 Figure Code Report as a completely FREE gift along with his process maps from this 16 DVD seminar and a printed copy of the Butterfly Marketing Manuscript normally sold at $97.
All 3 products are excellent Mike is actually giving them away in exchange for shipping and handling costs.
You also get a free copy of Mike's MarketingDotCom magazine.
And as soon as you take up Mike's free gift offer you're automatically subscribed for monthly billing to his magazine for $29.95 a month starting 30 days after you first order.
This is a powerful marketing method called "forced continuity".
It's a method I explain and recommend in the product Offers Unleashed but I believe Mike has made a marketing error in the way he's promoting this offer.
The gift offer is fantastic.
A great new report $297 value plus process maps plus a printed copy of the Butterfly Marketing Manuscript all for the modest cost of shipping and handling.
That is exceptional value but here's the mistake.
The real product is the magazine and it's not made perfectly clear in the sales page that you'll be subscribed to the magazine if you take up the gift offer.
Worse still there is no real attempt to sell you on the exceptional value of this magazine.
If you want your paid subscribers to stay paid subscribers they really need to be sold in advance on the idea.
You want them sweating blood over getting every issue of your magazine.
You want them checking their mailbox three times a day waiting eagerly for it to arrive.
With Mike's current promotion you barely know what's in it and it plays second fiddle to the bonuses.
Finally one issue is unresolved in the sales copy for this offer...the reason why.
If Mike sold you on the fantastic information in his MarketingDotCom magazine and said the reason he's giving you these great gift offers is to entice you to try the magazine at his risk that's believable.
You can see what is in it for him.
But the way the offer is framed now it almost seems like he's pulling a fast one on you.
He doesn't tell you in the video or the initial sales letter that there's on ongoing subscribition.
It is clearly outlined in the order form though and to Mike's credit he tells you exactly how to cancel your subscription too.
But why not feature this?
Sell the magazine. Tell prospects they get a free issue.
Tell them they can cancel any time in the next 30 days without paying a cent if they don't think the magazine is exceptional value.
Tell them all it takes is a simple phone call. In fact they can cancel any time even after they're paid subscribers. Again just a simple phone call.
Tell them you know they're not going to want to cancel after they read the first issue and that's why you're willing to give them all these fantastic products free.
You know they'll want to become a paid subscriber.
Now I know Mike has a strategy for upselling the people who order this special 7 Figure Code gift and I know that strategy could conceivably make him more profits than his magazine subscription.
But I also think if you're going to put your clients in a forced continuity program you need to sell that program to them so they'll stay on it and so they don't feel like you were trying to hoodwink them.
I should also say in summary that I think Mike's products are outstanding and he is a marketer of honesty and integrity.
Kindest regards,
Andrew Cavanagh
More FREE High Value Online Copywriting Secrets Than Any Other Site On Earth. Andrew Cavanagh's Online Copywriting Blog
Products From Andrew Cavanagh:
Offers Unleashed: How Many Of These 17
Profit Multiplying Offers Is Your Website Missing?
Make $1,500 Today: This 48 Page Report Reveals
The Simple Step By Step System For Selling Your Online
Marketing Skills To Businesses Right In Your City
$500 In 24 Hours Without A Website: From Offline Store Front
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Online Gold For The Offline Business: The Definitive
eBook On How To Use Online Marketing To Power Up
The Profits In Any Brick And Mortar Business
Make My Website Sell: FREE 11 Minute Video
Insider Secrets Of Web Design That Sells
$7 Secrets: How I Made Over $3,000 In Just 7 Days
By Selling A 30 Page Report For $7
Make Money Copywriting: 34 Insider Secrets To Making Money
As A Copywriter And How To Land Your First Copywriting Client
All 3 products are excellent Mike is actually giving them away in exchange for shipping and handling costs.
You also get a free copy of Mike's MarketingDotCom magazine.
And as soon as you take up Mike's free gift offer you're automatically subscribed for monthly billing to his magazine for $29.95 a month starting 30 days after you first order.
This is a powerful marketing method called "forced continuity".
It's a method I explain and recommend in the product Offers Unleashed but I believe Mike has made a marketing error in the way he's promoting this offer.
The gift offer is fantastic.
A great new report $297 value plus process maps plus a printed copy of the Butterfly Marketing Manuscript all for the modest cost of shipping and handling.
That is exceptional value but here's the mistake.
The real product is the magazine and it's not made perfectly clear in the sales page that you'll be subscribed to the magazine if you take up the gift offer.
Worse still there is no real attempt to sell you on the exceptional value of this magazine.
If you want your paid subscribers to stay paid subscribers they really need to be sold in advance on the idea.
You want them sweating blood over getting every issue of your magazine.
You want them checking their mailbox three times a day waiting eagerly for it to arrive.
With Mike's current promotion you barely know what's in it and it plays second fiddle to the bonuses.
Finally one issue is unresolved in the sales copy for this offer...the reason why.
If Mike sold you on the fantastic information in his MarketingDotCom magazine and said the reason he's giving you these great gift offers is to entice you to try the magazine at his risk that's believable.
You can see what is in it for him.
But the way the offer is framed now it almost seems like he's pulling a fast one on you.
He doesn't tell you in the video or the initial sales letter that there's on ongoing subscribition.
It is clearly outlined in the order form though and to Mike's credit he tells you exactly how to cancel your subscription too.
But why not feature this?
Sell the magazine. Tell prospects they get a free issue.
Tell them they can cancel any time in the next 30 days without paying a cent if they don't think the magazine is exceptional value.
Tell them all it takes is a simple phone call. In fact they can cancel any time even after they're paid subscribers. Again just a simple phone call.
Tell them you know they're not going to want to cancel after they read the first issue and that's why you're willing to give them all these fantastic products free.
You know they'll want to become a paid subscriber.
Now I know Mike has a strategy for upselling the people who order this special 7 Figure Code gift and I know that strategy could conceivably make him more profits than his magazine subscription.
But I also think if you're going to put your clients in a forced continuity program you need to sell that program to them so they'll stay on it and so they don't feel like you were trying to hoodwink them.
I should also say in summary that I think Mike's products are outstanding and he is a marketer of honesty and integrity.
Kindest regards,
Andrew Cavanagh
More FREE High Value Online Copywriting Secrets Than Any Other Site On Earth. Andrew Cavanagh's Online Copywriting Blog
Products From Andrew Cavanagh:
Offers Unleashed: How Many Of These 17
Profit Multiplying Offers Is Your Website Missing?
Make $1,500 Today: This 48 Page Report Reveals
The Simple Step By Step System For Selling Your Online
Marketing Skills To Businesses Right In Your City
$500 In 24 Hours Without A Website: From Offline Store Front
To Online Gold. Charge Local Businesses To Explode Their Sales From Walk Past Traffic And Turn That Traffic Into Long Term Online Income (Perfect For Copywriters)
Online Gold For The Offline Business: The Definitive
eBook On How To Use Online Marketing To Power Up
The Profits In Any Brick And Mortar Business
Make My Website Sell: FREE 11 Minute Video
Insider Secrets Of Web Design That Sells
$7 Secrets: How I Made Over $3,000 In Just 7 Days
By Selling A 30 Page Report For $7
Make Money Copywriting: 34 Insider Secrets To Making Money
As A Copywriter And How To Land Your First Copywriting Client