Ryan Deiss Wholesale Traffic System
Should you "save money" by paying "pennies" for overseas copywriters?
Recently Ryan Deiss released an excellent report where he explains how to sell low priced reports to generate a list using pay per click advertising.
He calls this method creating a series of "Self Liquidating Offers".
Put simply "self-liquidating" means each report pays for its own advertising and you get to keep the profits from immediate upsells, back end sales and the email list of buyers you create.
The main thrust of this "self liquidating offers" system is to have multiple reports and multiple sales pages for those reports all designed for a specific set of keywords you're bidding on.
This report is a lead in to Ryan Deiss' Wholesale Traffic System.
There was one comment in the report that struck a nerve with some professional copywriters.
Ryan explained how a pay per click expert he was working with and learning from, Mr X, "paid overseas copywriters pennies to write the sales letters for these products".
My response to this strategy as a professional copywriter...
I think you get what you pay for.
If you hire someone whose second language is English and you pay "pennies" for a sales letter you are simply throwing money away.
I can see some logic in doing this to begin with AS A TEST in the system Ryan is talking about.
He's driving traffic through pay per click to multiple niched sales letters selling multiple niched reports.
But once you know you have good traffic and it will convert you should hire a skilled copywriter to double or triple your conversion with excellent copy.
Think about it...
If a sales letter makes you just $60 in sales every day that's $21,900 in sales a year.
A good copywriter will get you 2-20 times the response of a poor copywriter who charges "pennies" (that's without taking into account the other valuable advice you get from a skilled copywriter).
But lets be conservative and say a good copywriter just doubles your conversion over your cheap copywriter.
That's an extra $21,900 in sales a year.
And since in this case we're talking about digitally delivered reports the nett profit just on those sales will be $20,000.
Then you get all those extra high quality leads (paying clients), the immediate backend sales from upsells and long term back end sales.
According to a recent survey the average online copywriter is charging US$2,500 to $3,500 for a short online sales letter.
Wouldn't it be worth paying $2,500 to make an extra $20,000+ a year?
Just in case you're wondering what kind of conversion is possible with low priced reports if you use exceptional online sales copy.
Ryan talks about selling reports for $5 to $10 and getting a 2.5% to 11% conversion.
I recently released two reports for $19.99:
Report one had a statistically significant conversion of 35%. (Okay I admit it. That's the highest response rate I've ever got for an online sales letter).
Report two had a statistically significant conversion of 15%.
So double the price and several times the response rate.
I've repeatedly had response rates in the past for reports in the $10-$20 range around the 20% mark.
Good copy pays.
Also read:
Copywriting Prices
Is Good Sales Copy Worth $5,000 Or More?
Free Report Or Paid Report As A Lead Generator
50 Times The Profits Niche Marketing
The Biggest Reason Most Copywriters Will Never Make Money
How To Make A Great Living As A Writer Fast
Kindest regards,
Andrew Cavanagh
More FREE High Value Online Copywriting Secrets Than Any Other Site On Earth. Andrew Cavanagh's Online Copywriting Blog
Products From Andrew Cavanagh:
Offers Unleashed: How Many Of These 17
Profit Multiplying Offers Is Your Website Missing?
Make $1,500 Today: This 48 Page Report Reveals
The Simple Step By Step System For Selling Your Online
Marketing Skills To Businesses Right In Your City
$500 In 24 Hours Without A Website: From Offline Store Front
To Online Gold. Charge Local Businesses To Explode Their Sales From Walk Past Traffic And Turn That Traffic Into Long Term Online Income (Perfect For Copywriters)
Online Gold For The Offline Business: The Definitive
eBook On How To Use Online Marketing To Power Up
The Profits In Any Brick And Mortar Business
Make My Website Sell: FREE 11 Minute Video
Insider Secrets Of Web Design That Sells
$7 Secrets: How I Made Over $3,000 In Just 7 Days
By Selling A 30 Page Report For $7
Make Money Copywriting: 34 Insider Secrets To Making Money
As A Copywriter And How To Land Your First Copywriting Client
Recently Ryan Deiss released an excellent report where he explains how to sell low priced reports to generate a list using pay per click advertising.
He calls this method creating a series of "Self Liquidating Offers".
Put simply "self-liquidating" means each report pays for its own advertising and you get to keep the profits from immediate upsells, back end sales and the email list of buyers you create.
The main thrust of this "self liquidating offers" system is to have multiple reports and multiple sales pages for those reports all designed for a specific set of keywords you're bidding on.
This report is a lead in to Ryan Deiss' Wholesale Traffic System.
There was one comment in the report that struck a nerve with some professional copywriters.
Ryan explained how a pay per click expert he was working with and learning from, Mr X, "paid overseas copywriters pennies to write the sales letters for these products".
My response to this strategy as a professional copywriter...
I think you get what you pay for.
If you hire someone whose second language is English and you pay "pennies" for a sales letter you are simply throwing money away.
I can see some logic in doing this to begin with AS A TEST in the system Ryan is talking about.
He's driving traffic through pay per click to multiple niched sales letters selling multiple niched reports.
But once you know you have good traffic and it will convert you should hire a skilled copywriter to double or triple your conversion with excellent copy.
Think about it...
If a sales letter makes you just $60 in sales every day that's $21,900 in sales a year.
A good copywriter will get you 2-20 times the response of a poor copywriter who charges "pennies" (that's without taking into account the other valuable advice you get from a skilled copywriter).
But lets be conservative and say a good copywriter just doubles your conversion over your cheap copywriter.
That's an extra $21,900 in sales a year.
And since in this case we're talking about digitally delivered reports the nett profit just on those sales will be $20,000.
Then you get all those extra high quality leads (paying clients), the immediate backend sales from upsells and long term back end sales.
According to a recent survey the average online copywriter is charging US$2,500 to $3,500 for a short online sales letter.
Wouldn't it be worth paying $2,500 to make an extra $20,000+ a year?
Just in case you're wondering what kind of conversion is possible with low priced reports if you use exceptional online sales copy.
Ryan talks about selling reports for $5 to $10 and getting a 2.5% to 11% conversion.
I recently released two reports for $19.99:
Report one had a statistically significant conversion of 35%. (Okay I admit it. That's the highest response rate I've ever got for an online sales letter).
Report two had a statistically significant conversion of 15%.
So double the price and several times the response rate.
I've repeatedly had response rates in the past for reports in the $10-$20 range around the 20% mark.
Good copy pays.
Also read:
Copywriting Prices
Is Good Sales Copy Worth $5,000 Or More?
Free Report Or Paid Report As A Lead Generator
50 Times The Profits Niche Marketing
The Biggest Reason Most Copywriters Will Never Make Money
How To Make A Great Living As A Writer Fast
Kindest regards,
Andrew Cavanagh
More FREE High Value Online Copywriting Secrets Than Any Other Site On Earth. Andrew Cavanagh's Online Copywriting Blog
Products From Andrew Cavanagh:
Offers Unleashed: How Many Of These 17
Profit Multiplying Offers Is Your Website Missing?
Make $1,500 Today: This 48 Page Report Reveals
The Simple Step By Step System For Selling Your Online
Marketing Skills To Businesses Right In Your City
$500 In 24 Hours Without A Website: From Offline Store Front
To Online Gold. Charge Local Businesses To Explode Their Sales From Walk Past Traffic And Turn That Traffic Into Long Term Online Income (Perfect For Copywriters)
Online Gold For The Offline Business: The Definitive
eBook On How To Use Online Marketing To Power Up
The Profits In Any Brick And Mortar Business
Make My Website Sell: FREE 11 Minute Video
Insider Secrets Of Web Design That Sells
$7 Secrets: How I Made Over $3,000 In Just 7 Days
By Selling A 30 Page Report For $7
Make Money Copywriting: 34 Insider Secrets To Making Money
As A Copywriter And How To Land Your First Copywriting Client