It's ALL Direct Response Marketing: Internet, Direct Mail...
In this video Dan Kennedy explains how effective marketing through ANY form of media including the internet is ALL direct response marketing and the principles of direct marketing are the same in EVERY media...
So what are the foundational principles of direct response marketing?
1. Find a hungry market that's easy and economical to get to.
2. Gain intimate knowledge of that market so you can...
3. Create or find products and/or services that hungry market desperately wants and...
4. Create a sales message through a media or medias they'll respond to. In other words devise a sales message delivered in a language or a way they'll understand so they'll be eager to buy from you.
This usually involves some form of sales presentation or sales letter.
5. Offer more products and services to that same market and especially to the clients in that market who've already bought from you.
Usually the sooner you make another offer after the last purchase the more likely it will be that you'll make a sale.
6. Over-deliver on your claims and promises so your clients will be thrilled to buy from you and on products and services you recommend over and over.
Also see:
How To Find A Hungry Market Online FREE 58 Minute Audio
Offers Unleashed: How To Create A Strategic Series Of Offers
To Multiply Your Sales And Profits
Copywriting Fundamentals
FREE Jay Abraham Marketing Report
Kindest regards,
Andrew Cavanagh
More FREE High Value Online Copywriting Secrets Than Any Other Site On Earth. Andrew Cavanagh's Online Copywriting Blog
Products From Andrew Cavanagh:
Offers Unleashed: How Many Of These 17
Profit Multiplying Offers Is Your Website Missing?
Make $1,500 Today: This 48 Page Report Reveals
The Simple Step By Step System For Selling Your Online
Marketing Skills To Businesses Right In Your City
$500 In 24 Hours Without A Website: From Offline Store Front
To Online Gold. Charge Local Businesses To Explode Their Sales From Walk Past Traffic And Turn That Traffic Into Long Term Online Income (Perfect For Copywriters)
Online Gold For The Offline Business: The Definitive
eBook On How To Use Online Marketing To Power Up
The Profits In Any Brick And Mortar Business
Make My Website Sell: FREE 11 Minute Video
Insider Secrets Of Web Design That Sells
$7 Secrets: How I Made Over $3,000 In Just 7 Days
By Selling A 30 Page Report For $7
Make Money Copywriting: 34 Insider Secrets To Making Money
As A Copywriter And How To Land Your First Copywriting Client
So what are the foundational principles of direct response marketing?
1. Find a hungry market that's easy and economical to get to.
2. Gain intimate knowledge of that market so you can...
3. Create or find products and/or services that hungry market desperately wants and...
4. Create a sales message through a media or medias they'll respond to. In other words devise a sales message delivered in a language or a way they'll understand so they'll be eager to buy from you.
This usually involves some form of sales presentation or sales letter.
5. Offer more products and services to that same market and especially to the clients in that market who've already bought from you.
Usually the sooner you make another offer after the last purchase the more likely it will be that you'll make a sale.
6. Over-deliver on your claims and promises so your clients will be thrilled to buy from you and on products and services you recommend over and over.
Also see:
How To Find A Hungry Market Online FREE 58 Minute Audio
Offers Unleashed: How To Create A Strategic Series Of Offers
To Multiply Your Sales And Profits
Copywriting Fundamentals
FREE Jay Abraham Marketing Report
Kindest regards,
Andrew Cavanagh
More FREE High Value Online Copywriting Secrets Than Any Other Site On Earth. Andrew Cavanagh's Online Copywriting Blog
Products From Andrew Cavanagh:
Offers Unleashed: How Many Of These 17
Profit Multiplying Offers Is Your Website Missing?
Make $1,500 Today: This 48 Page Report Reveals
The Simple Step By Step System For Selling Your Online
Marketing Skills To Businesses Right In Your City
$500 In 24 Hours Without A Website: From Offline Store Front
To Online Gold. Charge Local Businesses To Explode Their Sales From Walk Past Traffic And Turn That Traffic Into Long Term Online Income (Perfect For Copywriters)
Online Gold For The Offline Business: The Definitive
eBook On How To Use Online Marketing To Power Up
The Profits In Any Brick And Mortar Business
Make My Website Sell: FREE 11 Minute Video
Insider Secrets Of Web Design That Sells
$7 Secrets: How I Made Over $3,000 In Just 7 Days
By Selling A 30 Page Report For $7
Make Money Copywriting: 34 Insider Secrets To Making Money
As A Copywriter And How To Land Your First Copywriting Client