The Secret Of Assigning Ownership

You can make many times the sales in your copy simply by getting your prospect to take ownership of your product.

What do I mean by "take ownership"?

Think about when you buy a product.

Often you're already thinking about how you'll use it, how it will make your life better long before you actually go out and buy it.

Especially if the product is expensive.

That's the first stage in "taking ownership".

When I was selling shoes I would get my prospect to sit down and I'd help them put on those shoes.

Get him to walk around in the shoes.

And once they were on his feet I would never touch them again if I could avoid it.

The reason was simple.

Once the shoes were on my prospect's feet they were HIS shoes.

Over 95% of the prospect I got to try on shoes bought them.

The same principle works selling nearly every product.

You don't just tell your prospect how good a book is.

You put the book in his hands. You let him read a few pages.


Let your prospect take ownership.

Recently I was writing the sale copy for Brad Callen's brilliant software Affiliate Elite.

And he told me he wanted to do a software giveaway and if I had any ideas on how to make the most of it.

I suggested that Brad run a competition where people think up different ways to use his software.

And the best ideas would be winners.

Now think about that.

If you're trying to dream up ways of using a software product you're interested in you have to think like you already own that software.

You're taking ownership.

The question you need to ask yourself:
"How can I get my prospect to take ownership of my product in my sales copy and marketing?"

Also read...
How To Get Into The Mind Of Your Prospect
The Biggest Secret To Selling Online
Breaking Your Prospect's Sales Resistance
Multiply The Impact Of Your Sales Message

Kindest regards,
Andrew Cavanagh

More FREE High Value Online Copywriting Secrets Than Any Other Site On Earth. Andrew Cavanagh's Online Copywriting Blog

Products From Andrew Cavanagh:

Offers Unleashed: How Many Of These 17
Profit Multiplying Offers Is Your Website Missing?

Make $1,500 Today: This 48 Page Report Reveals
The Simple Step By Step System For Selling Your Online
Marketing Skills To Businesses Right In Your City

$500 In 24 Hours Without A Website: From Offline Store Front
To Online Gold. Charge Local Businesses To Explode Their Sales From Walk Past Traffic And Turn That Traffic Into Long Term Online Income (Perfect For Copywriters)

Online Gold For The Offline Business: The Definitive
eBook On How To Use Online Marketing To Power Up
The Profits In Any Brick And Mortar Business

Make My Website Sell: FREE 11 Minute Video
Insider Secrets Of Web Design That Sells

$7 Secrets: How I Made Over $3,000 In Just 7 Days
By Selling A 30 Page Report For $7

Make Money Copywriting: 34 Insider Secrets To Making Money
As A Copywriter And How To Land Your First Copywriting Client

Jay Abraham Luger Salesletter: 20% Response

Jay Abraham says the following sales letter for Investment Rarities is one of the best he has ever seen with a 20% response rate.

It is a fascinating piece of marketing selling Luger handguns as an investment to prospects and clients who normally bought securities like coins, silver and gold.

Reading the beginning of this ad can reveal a whole pile of secrets about how to build proof and credibility.

Keep in mind as you read...the prospect is being convinced to buy an investment.

From 1975 - 1980 What Single Investment Appreciated
Approximately 450% Greater
Than Bonds
...398% Higher Than Stocks...
175% Better Than Houses And 74% Greater Than Diamonds?!!

(The Answer Below May Surprise You)

The Luger WWII Military S/42 handgun is one of the growing number of collector worthy firearms gaining investor attention lately.

Investment-grade firearms have produced a strong appreciation record for over three decades. Of course, not all firearms did as well as the Luger. But most top grade investment guns outperformed nearly every other "traditional" investment during the past five years.

By a very big margin.

Let's be more precise. Let's take a careful look at the Luger WWII S/42 - a desirable investment gun, though far from the most coveted.

The Luger WWII Military S/42 is a fascinating investment to study.

Look at how it appreciated over the last five years (ending June 1980) against some other spectacular investments.

Gold, for example, produced a dazzling rate of compound return of 28.4% per year. Yet the Luger S/42 outproduced gold by 12%. It outperformed silver by 17%. And that same Luger's compound annual rate of return "sailed" past U.S. rare coins by 46%.

But that's nothing compared to how the Luger S/42 outpaced more conservative investments.

We all know that oil (Saudi Arabian Light) compounded at a rate of nearly 18% a year. The Luger S/42 outpaced oil by 80% in the same five year period.

Do you think diamonds showed outstanding compound growth from 1975-1980? The Luger outperformed diamonds by 74%.

That same gun outperformed the compound rate of return of U.S. farm land on average by 138% and housing by 175%. It even outperformed the consumer price index by 258% while "beating the pants" off the "S&P 500" by more than 398%.

The biggest coup of all is how well the Luger did against bonds (Salomon Brothers Bond Index)...exceeding bonds compound rate of return by an awesome 450%!

But what about the liquidity of guns? Again let's use the Luger WWII Military S/42 as a reference example only.

Currently based on the time it would take to sell at close to market value, the Luger S/42 is probably more liquid than real estate and more liquid than diamonds.

Andrew's Comment:
Note how the Luger handgun is compared to prime, high quality, silver, diamonds, farm land, housing, stocks AND bonds.

And it comes out with superior performance every time.

By association it makes a handgun seem like a more secure, higher performing investment than all of these regular, stable investments.

VERY clever copy indeed.

Let's continue with the rest of the copy where even more credibility is given to these amazing claims and a few major objections are answered...

Where did we get this comparative data? From two reliable sources. First Salomon Brothers June 1980 study of investments five year compound annual rate of return. Second, the Fain Blue Book of Firearms Price Values, considered by many the most definitive gauge of gun values in America today.

So you may be impressed with the appreciation potential as well as the liquidity of investment guns - but what if you're afraid of guns?

All the better really.

A collector gun that has never been fired - or has been minimally fired (referred to by collectors as the amount of original "blueing remaining") - is worth many times more than the same gun that's been regularly used.

You can quite literally buy the gun, put it in your safe deposit box or lock it away in the attic or basement and its investment potential will probably grow more than if you fired it.

Finally - there are nearly 300 types of collector-worthy guns you could invest in. Many for as little as $650 or less.

Would you like to know more about collecting guns? If the answer is "yes" we'd like to send you two valuable collections of material.

The first is a profit-provoking booklet titled "What Every Gun Owner Should Know About The Gun-Trading Business". The other is a five year history of the eye-popping appreciation growth of 30 well known collector guns.

We'd also like to send you a copy of our latest inventory of collector guns in the $200-$15,000 price range.

As the nation's largest dealer in hard assets - and one of the oldest - Investment Rarities has become a definitive source for high grade, high quality investment guns at competitive collector prices.

Our knowledgeable weapons specialists not only offer expert advice you can trust - they answer your most probing questions about grading methods, availability and pricing in the most straightforward manner possible.

If you never before realized how guns may be used as a long-term capital appreciating investment form - I encourage you to send for this provocative material.

There is no charge for requesting it. Nor is there any obligation to purchase a gun.

Simply return the enclosed card. Or call us toll free at 1-800-328-1860. We will send you complete information on gun investing.

Very Truly Yours,
Bart Briefstein
Sales Manager

P.S. Remember - guns have been a proven winner for years. Find out if they have a place in your investment portfolio.

There's so much going on in this many objections answered in such a low key, well engineered way.

I also love the "future pacing"...putting the prospect in the mindset that he's already bought a gun and all he has to do is "put it in your safe deposit box or lock it away in the attic or basement and its investment potential will probably grow more than if you fired it."

Also notice how there's no attempt made to sell a gun immediately...the sales letter sells the next step of more education...a free booklet, a five year history of the gun market and an inventory of guns for sale.

The writer knows it's a big stretch to get a regular investor to go out on a limb and invest in a handgun or a portfolio of handguns so he sells further free, no obligation education...a chance to do multi step marketing.

Sales letters that pull a 20% response rate are especially rare and this is a truly exceptional sales letter well worth reading over and over.

Also read...
Multi Step Marketing To Explode Your Profits
Wall Street Journal Letter
Bruce Barton's Original Wall Street Journal Letter

Jay Abraham Claude Hopkins Schlitz Beer And Preeminence
Jay Abraham Video Add Value To Info Products
Jay Abraham pdf

Kindest regards,
Andrew Cavanagh

More FREE High Value Online Copywriting Secrets Than Any Other Site On Earth. Andrew Cavanagh's Online Copywriting Blog

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Offers Unleashed: How Many Of These 17
Profit Multiplying Offers Is Your Website Missing?

Make $1,500 Today: This 48 Page Report Reveals
The Simple Step By Step System For Selling Your Online
Marketing Skills To Businesses Right In Your City

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$7 Secrets: How I Made Over $3,000 In Just 7 Days
By Selling A 30 Page Report For $7

Make Money Copywriting: 34 Insider Secrets To Making Money
As A Copywriter And How To Land Your First Copywriting Client

Bruce Barton's Original "Wall Street Journal" Letter

Few people know that the very famous Wall Street Journal letter that ran as a control for over 20 years was actually swiped.

Below is a copy of the original letter written by copywriting and advertising pioneer Bruce Barton in 1919.

This original sales letter was promoting the Alexander Hamilton Institute's Modern Business Course...

The Story Of Two Men Who Fought
In The Civil War

From a certain little town in Massachusetts two men went to the Civil War. Each of them had enjoyed the same educational advantages, and so far as anyone could judge, their prospects for success were equally good.

One man accumulated a fortune. The other spent his last years almost entirely dependent on his children for support.

He has "had hard luck" the town explained. He "never seemed to catch hold after the war."

But the other man did not "lose his grip." He seemed to experience no difficulty in "catching hold" after the war.

The differences in the two men was not a difference of capacity but a difference in decision. One man saw the after-the-war tide of expansion, trained himself for executive opportunity and so swam with the tide. The other merely drifted.

The history of these two men will be repeated in hundreds of thousands of lives in the next few months.

After Every War Come The Great
Successes - And Great Failures

Is your future worth half an hour's serious thought? If it is then take down a history of the United States. You will discover this unmistakable truth:

Opportunity does not flow in a steady stream like a river - it comes and goes in great tides.

There was a high tide after the Civil War; and then came the panic of 1907.

There is a high tide now; and those who seize it need not fear what may happen when the tide recedes. The wisest men in this country are now putting themselves beyond the reach of fear - into the executive positions that are indispensable.

Weak Men Go Down In Critical Years
- Strong Men Grow Stronger

If you are in your twenties or your thirties or your early forties there probably never will be another such critical year for you as this year 1919.

Looking back on it ten years hence you will say: "That was the turning point."

Thousands of the wise and thoughtful men of this country have anticipated the coming of this period and prepared for it.

They have trained themselves for positions which business cannot do without, through the Alexander Hamilton Institute's Modern business course and service.

The Institute is THE American Institution which has proved its power to lift men into higher executive positions.

These Men Have Already Decided
To Go Forward

Among the 75,000 men enrolled in the Institute's Course 13,534 are presidents of corporations; 2,826 are vice presidents; 5,372 are secretaries; 2,652 treasurers; 11,260 managers; 2,626 sales managers; 2,876 accountants, according to figures compiled a year ago.

Men like these have proved the Institute's power: E.R. Behrend, President of the Hammermill Paper Company; N.A. Hawkins Manager of Sales, Ford Motor Co.; William D'Arcy, President of the Associated Advertising Clubs of the World; Melville W. Mix, President of the Dodge Manufacturing Company and scores of others.

Men who have trained themselves to seize opportunity, will make these after-war years count tremendously.

You too can make them count for you.

Send for this book. There is a Vision in it For You Of Your Future.

To meet the needs of thoughtful men, the Alexander Hamilton Institute has published a 112-page book "Forging Ahead In Business." It is free; the coupon will bring it to you.

Send for your copy of "Forging Ahead In Business" now, while your mind is on it. You could not seize the chance that came after '65 or '98. But it will be your fault if ten years from now you say: "I could have gone on to success with 75,000 others and I did not even investigate."

Fill in the coupon and mail.

Notice the powerful proof in this copy.

Barton talks about 75,000 men who have enrolled in the Institute's course talks about the positions each has ended up in and then talks about 4 specific men...all now leaders of industry.

This builds proof 2 ways:

First 75,000 men...that is a ton of people. With so many men taking the course it must be good...or at least that's the way many prospects think.

We all have a tendency to feel more secure following the crowd.

Second mentioning real graduates in real positions that can be verified is a huge builder of credibility.

Then there's the call to action.

Barton plays on his prospects' fear of missing out...being left others were in '65 and '98 after previous wars.

And he ties this fear directly into a promise of success and the need to order the Institute's free book now.

This is an exceptional piece of sales copy and all the more impressive when you consider it was written before the real profession of copywriting became honed and refined.

To read a copy of the Wall Street Journal Letter go to...
Wall Street Journal Letter

Also read...
Copywriting Call To Action
Secrets To Story Telling That Multiplies Your Sales
Drama Multiplies The Impact Of Your Sales Message

Another Famous Wall Street Journal Letter
Jay Abraham Luger Sales Letter 20% Response

Kindest regards,
Andrew Cavanagh

More FREE High Value Online Copywriting Secrets Than Any Other Site On Earth. Andrew Cavanagh's Online Copywriting Blog

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Offers Unleashed: How Many Of These 17
Profit Multiplying Offers Is Your Website Missing?

Make $1,500 Today: This 48 Page Report Reveals
The Simple Step By Step System For Selling Your Online
Marketing Skills To Businesses Right In Your City

$500 In 24 Hours Without A Website: From Offline Store Front
To Online Gold. Charge Local Businesses To Explode Their Sales From Walk Past Traffic And Turn That Traffic Into Long Term Online Income (Perfect For Copywriters)

Online Gold For The Offline Business: The Definitive
eBook On How To Use Online Marketing To Power Up
The Profits In Any Brick And Mortar Business

Make My Website Sell: FREE 11 Minute Video
Insider Secrets Of Web Design That Sells

$7 Secrets: How I Made Over $3,000 In Just 7 Days
By Selling A 30 Page Report For $7

Make Money Copywriting: 34 Insider Secrets To Making Money
As A Copywriter And How To Land Your First Copywriting Client

J Walter Thompson Knowing Your Prospect

One of the biggest keys to creating online salesletters and marketing that sells effectively is to gain an intimate understanding of your prospect.

And that means talking to real live phone and in person.

Really understanding your prospects is the biggest key of all to powerful advertising.

And it's not new.

Here's a 1924 ad of the legendary famous J Walter Thompson firm...

This is the text from that vintage ad...

-in the cluttered kitchen
-in the muddy barnyard
you learn their daily needs

The same soap - sold at one time for washing woolens, at another for washing silks, and again for washing dishes.

The same paint - yet over one period its light-reflecting qualities were its boast, while later, the market being sold on light - its other quality cleanliness became the theme.

The same rubber overshoe - until recently considered too light for heavy farmwork - today worn all over America on thousands of farms.

To know beforehand just how and when new uses will increase your sales

- to foresee accurately whether the appeal that builds volume today will be successful tomorrow.

- is only possible if you know what needs occur in your consumers' daily lives - know them intimately and at first hand - in the cluttered kitchen, deep in the mud and snow of the barnyard or under the working conditions of the factory.

Thousands of calls on men and women in their homes and at their work, not made by a special research department, but by writers and executives actually working on the account, have enabled us to adapt the advertising of Lux, Rinso, Barreled Sunlight, "U.S." Rubber Footwear and many other products to conditions as they have varied from year to year.

On four accounts alone during the last four years, the J Walter Thompson Company has sent out 100 people to travel from Maine to the Mississippi Delta and west to the Pacific Coast to visit 299 cities and towns and interview 5,049 dealers and 9,129 consumers.

This constant contact not only with the trade, but with actual consumers, has helped to find the particular appeal which has made the advertising for the above products successful.

We shall be glad to discuss with any manufacturer the best method of interpreting his product to the public.

J Walter Thompson Company

The rules of great advertising and marketing haven't changed since 1924 and they won't change.

If you want to sell your product you need to talk to your prospects and create a message that appeals to them and to their desires...their needs.

And you need to deliver that message in their language.

Also read...
How Do You Research Your Sales Letters?
How To Get Into The Mind Of Your Prospect

Kindest regards,
Andrew Cavanagh

More FREE High Value Online Copywriting Secrets Than Any Other Site On Earth. Andrew Cavanagh's Online Copywriting Blog

Products From Andrew Cavanagh:

Offers Unleashed: How Many Of These 17
Profit Multiplying Offers Is Your Website Missing?

Make $1,500 Today: This 48 Page Report Reveals
The Simple Step By Step System For Selling Your Online
Marketing Skills To Businesses Right In Your City

$500 In 24 Hours Without A Website: From Offline Store Front
To Online Gold. Charge Local Businesses To Explode Their Sales From Walk Past Traffic And Turn That Traffic Into Long Term Online Income (Perfect For Copywriters)

Online Gold For The Offline Business: The Definitive
eBook On How To Use Online Marketing To Power Up
The Profits In Any Brick And Mortar Business

Make My Website Sell: FREE 11 Minute Video
Insider Secrets Of Web Design That Sells

$7 Secrets: How I Made Over $3,000 In Just 7 Days
By Selling A 30 Page Report For $7

Make Money Copywriting: 34 Insider Secrets To Making Money
As A Copywriter And How To Land Your First Copywriting Client

Online Video On Your Salesletters

You can multiply your response rate with well designed online video on your salesletters.

But most online marketers are not even touching the potential here.

How do you get the most out of online video on your salesletter?

1. Use the media effectively.

With online video you can SHOW that your product works...real live proof right before your prospect's eyes.

So dramatize the most powerful feature or benefit of your copy.

We have thousands of fantastic examples we can use of dramatizing features...just look at some of the great television ads.

Here's an example of the power of the glue Araldite that doesn't have to use a single word to get its message across...

You can also use online video to power up other areas of your online copy.

But to do that you really need to understand a few of the vital components of an effective salesletter.

2. You can use a video to increase your credibility.

Establishing your credibility to sell the product you're promoting in the sales letter is a huge key to getting prospects to buy.

This is even more powerful if you state your credibility in a story...

"When I was appearing regularly on 40 radio stations across Australia I did a show that revealed" etc.

That would be a perfect lead in for a course on how to get free publicity.

Can you state your credibility as a lead in to a story?

3. And that's another key...telling stories in video can be very powerful.

It drags your viewer in and even if you don't have live video you can use photos on the screen to bring the story to life.

Obviously stories that demonstrate the benefit of using your product are the most likely to persuade your viewer to buy.

4. Establish value.

If you're selling your product for $100 and you can establish in your video that it will be worth $1,000 or more to your prospect that is powerful salesmanship.

5. A call to action.

You can ask your prospect to buy or optin in your video.

Or you might simply tease them into reading the section of the salesletter below the video.

But it is vital to get your prospect to take the next step.

That makes your video far more powerful.

Also read...
Multiply The Impact Of Your Sales Message
YouTube Marketing
Famous David Ogilvy TV Ad
A Powerful $20 Million Low Key Sales Presentation

Kindest regards,
Andrew Cavanagh

More FREE High Value Online Copywriting Secrets Than Any Other Site On Earth. Andrew Cavanagh's Online Copywriting Blog

Products From Andrew Cavanagh:

Offers Unleashed: How Many Of These 17
Profit Multiplying Offers Is Your Website Missing?

Make $1,500 Today: This 48 Page Report Reveals
The Simple Step By Step System For Selling Your Online
Marketing Skills To Businesses Right In Your City

$500 In 24 Hours Without A Website: From Offline Store Front
To Online Gold. Charge Local Businesses To Explode Their Sales From Walk Past Traffic And Turn That Traffic Into Long Term Online Income (Perfect For Copywriters)

Online Gold For The Offline Business: The Definitive
eBook On How To Use Online Marketing To Power Up
The Profits In Any Brick And Mortar Business

Make My Website Sell: FREE 11 Minute Video
Insider Secrets Of Web Design That Sells

$7 Secrets: How I Made Over $3,000 In Just 7 Days
By Selling A 30 Page Report For $7

Make Money Copywriting: 34 Insider Secrets To Making Money
As A Copywriter And How To Land Your First Copywriting Client

Gary Halbert Dollar Bill Letter

Gary Halbert attached pennies, dimes, dollar bills, twenty dollar bills and even one hundred dollar bills to his sales letters to get his prospects' attention.

This is a powerful strategy that can be used offline and with a bit of imagination you may be able to adapt for online marketing.

Here is the standard opening for one of Gary Halbert's dollar bill letters:

Dear Jim,

As you can see I have attached a nice, crisp dollar bill to the top of this letter. Why have I done this? Actually there are two reasons:

1. I have something very important to say to you and I needed some way to make sure this letter would catch your attention.

2. And second, since what I am going to tell you is how you can make hundreds of dollars, I thought it especially appropriate to use a dollar as an attention getting eye catcher.

Anyway, here's what it's all about:

Then you launch into the meat of your sales letter.

How can you use the dollar bill sales letter online?

What about putting a download link near the top of the page (for a valuable lead in report or audio).

"As you see I've given you a completely free download of my one hour audio at the top of this page. Why have I done this..." etc.

With a little imagination I'm sure you can come up with other ideas.

For more on the history of the dollar bill sales letter and another full example of a dollar bill sales letter that brought in $270,000 then a further $14 million in subscriptions read this...
Famous Dollar Bill Sales Letter

For more free Gary Halbert resources see...
Gary Halbert Copywriting
Gary Halbert Video: Triple Your Online Orders
Gary Halbert Video: Triple Your Online Orders Part 2
Gary Halbert Being Accessible Multiplies Sales

For more great sales letter swipes read...
Lazy Man's Way To Riches
Eugene Schwartz pdf
Claude Hopkins Schlitz Beer Ad
Jay Abraham Luger Sales Letter 20% Response

Kindest regards,
Andrew Cavanagh

More FREE High Value Online Copywriting Secrets Than Any Other Site On Earth. Andrew Cavanagh's Online Copywriting Blog

Products From Andrew Cavanagh:

Offers Unleashed: How Many Of These 17
Profit Multiplying Offers Is Your Website Missing?

Make $1,500 Today: This 48 Page Report Reveals
The Simple Step By Step System For Selling Your Online
Marketing Skills To Businesses Right In Your City

$500 In 24 Hours Without A Website: From Offline Store Front
To Online Gold. Charge Local Businesses To Explode Their Sales From Walk Past Traffic And Turn That Traffic Into Long Term Online Income (Perfect For Copywriters)

Online Gold For The Offline Business: The Definitive
eBook On How To Use Online Marketing To Power Up
The Profits In Any Brick And Mortar Business

Make My Website Sell: FREE 11 Minute Video
Insider Secrets Of Web Design That Sells

$7 Secrets: How I Made Over $3,000 In Just 7 Days
By Selling A 30 Page Report For $7

Make Money Copywriting: 34 Insider Secrets To Making Money
As A Copywriter And How To Land Your First Copywriting Client

Claude Hopkins Schlitz Beer Ad

Claude Hopkins helped take Schlitz beer from number five in the U.S. market to neck and neck with number one in just a few months.

How did he do it.

All the beer companies were talking about how "pure" their beer was.

But Hopkins was the first to explain in detail exactly what pains Schlitz beer went to to ensure purity in their beer.

Read the ad below (you can click on the image for a full size view)...

In the Schlitz Beer ads he told prospects:

"All beer is cooled in plate glass room in filtered air."

"Then the beer is filtered."

"Then it is sterilized after being bottled and sealed."

Hopkins was the first to explain in specific detail why Schlitz beer was pure.

And once he did that Schiltz was permanently embedded in the market's mind as being especially pure.

This is what marketing consultant Jay Abraham calls the "strategy of preeminence".

Also read...
Jay Abraham, Claude Hopkins, Schlitz Beer And Preeminence
Jay Abraham Video: How To Add Value To Information Products
Jay Abraham Luger Sales Letter 20% Response

Claude Hopkins: Market To Individuals Not Masses
Claude Hopkins: The Power Of Samples And Trials
Multiply The Impact Of Your Sales Message

Kindest regards
Andrew Cavanagh

More FREE High Value Online Copywriting Secrets Than Any Other Site On Earth. Andrew Cavanagh's Online Copywriting Blog

Products From Andrew Cavanagh:

Offers Unleashed: How Many Of These 17
Profit Multiplying Offers Is Your Website Missing?

Make $1,500 Today: This 48 Page Report Reveals
The Simple Step By Step System For Selling Your Online
Marketing Skills To Businesses Right In Your City

$500 In 24 Hours Without A Website: From Offline Store Front
To Online Gold. Charge Local Businesses To Explode Their Sales From Walk Past Traffic And Turn That Traffic Into Long Term Online Income (Perfect For Copywriters)

Online Gold For The Offline Business: The Definitive
eBook On How To Use Online Marketing To Power Up
The Profits In Any Brick And Mortar Business

Make My Website Sell: FREE 11 Minute Video
Insider Secrets Of Web Design That Sells

$7 Secrets: How I Made Over $3,000 In Just 7 Days
By Selling A 30 Page Report For $7

Make Money Copywriting: 34 Insider Secrets To Making Money
As A Copywriter And How To Land Your First Copywriting Client

Jay Abraham, Claude Hopkins, Schlitz Beer And Preeminence

Marketing consultant Jay Abraham is very fond of stressing the importance of gaining "preeminence" in your prospects' minds.

When your prospect thinks of your industry you want them to think of you first.

If you're selling dog training information when they think of dog trainers you want them to think of you.

You gain preeminence by being the first to explain a valuable concept to your prospect.

If you were selling dog training information you might be the first to explain that ignoring a dog puts you up the social pecking order in a dog's mind and can make dogs more submissive to you.

Every time your prospect uses this valuable piece of information to "tame" an annoying dog he'll think of you...the master dog trainer.

And your prospect will be far more likely to go to you first when he's looking for more dog training information.

And he'll be willing to pay a premium for that information...because he KNOWS you're the master...the leader in your field.

The copywriter and advertising pioneer Claude Hopkins told this great story about how to build preeminence in his book "My Life In Advertising"...

"Schlitz Beer was another advertising campaign which I handled for J.L.Stack. Schlitz was then in fifth place.

All brewers at that time were crying "Pure". They put the word "Pure" in larger letters.

Their claim made about as much impression on people as water makes on a duck.

I went to brewing school to learn the science of brewing, but that helped not at all. Then I went to the brewery.

I saw plate-glass rooms where beer was dripping over pipes, and I asked the reason for them. They told me those rooms were filled with filtered air, so the beer could be cooled in purity.

I saw great filters filled with wood pulp. They explained how that filtered the beer.

They showed me how they cleaned every pump and pipe, twice daily, to avoid contaminations. How every bottle was cleaned four times by machinery.

They showed me artesian wells, where they went 4,000 feet deep for pure water, though their brewery was on Lake Michigan.

They showed me the vats where beer was aged for six months before it went out to the user.

They took me to their laboratory and showed me the original mother yeast cell. It had been developed by 1,200 experiments to bring out the utmost in flavor.

All of the yeast used in making Schlitz Beer was developed from that original cell.

I came back to the office amazed. I said: "Why don't you tell people those things? Why do you merely try to cry louder than others that your beer is pure? Why don't you tell the reasons?"

"Why," they said, "the processes we use are just the same as others use. No one can make good beer without them."

"But," I replied, "others have never told the story. It amazes everyone who goes through your brewery. It will startle everyone in print."

So I pictured in print those plate-glass rooms and every other factor in purity. I told a story common to all good brewers, but a story which had never been told. I gave purity a meaning.

Schlitz jumped from fifth place to neck and neck with first place in a very few months.

That campaign remains to this day one of my greatest accomplishments. But it also gave me the basis for many another campaign.

Again and again I have told simple facts, common to all makers in the line - too common to be told. But they have given the article first allied with them an exclusive and lasting prestige.

The situation occurs in many, many lines. The maker is too close to his own product.

He sees in his methods only the ordinary.

He does not realize that the world at large might marvel at those methods, and that facts which seem commonplace to him might give him vast distinction.

That is a situation which occurs in most advertising problems. The article is not unique. It embodies no great advantages.

Perhaps countless people can make similar products. BUT TELL THE PAINS YOU TAKE TO EXCEL.


If others claim them afterward it will only serve to advertise you.

There are few advertised products which can't be imitated. Few who dominate a field have any exclusive advantage.

They were simply the first to tell convincing facts."

Also read...
Famous David Ogilvy TV Ad
Jay Abraham Video: How To Add Value To Information Products
Multiply The Impact Of Your Sales Message
Why Is Story Telling So Effective?

Claude Hopkins Schlitz Beer Ad
Jay Abraham Luger Sales Letter 20% Response
Claude Hopkins: Market To Individuals Not Masses
Claude Hopkins: The Power Of Samples And Trials
FREE Jay Abraham pdf

Kindest regards,
Andrew Cavanagh

More FREE High Value Online Copywriting Secrets Than Any Other Site On Earth. Andrew Cavanagh's Online Copywriting Blog

Products From Andrew Cavanagh:

Offers Unleashed: How Many Of These 17
Profit Multiplying Offers Is Your Website Missing?

Make $1,500 Today: This 48 Page Report Reveals
The Simple Step By Step System For Selling Your Online
Marketing Skills To Businesses Right In Your City

$500 In 24 Hours Without A Website: From Offline Store Front
To Online Gold. Charge Local Businesses To Explode Their Sales From Walk Past Traffic And Turn That Traffic Into Long Term Online Income (Perfect For Copywriters)

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Make My Website Sell: FREE 11 Minute Video
Insider Secrets Of Web Design That Sells

$7 Secrets: How I Made Over $3,000 In Just 7 Days
By Selling A 30 Page Report For $7

Make Money Copywriting: 34 Insider Secrets To Making Money
As A Copywriter And How To Land Your First Copywriting Client

Famous David Ogilvy TV Ad

Below is a famous Television ad that was part of a campaign David Ogilvy created for Shell.

For the first time in history Ogilvy talked about what went into gasoline and how the ingredients in Shell gasoline gave a genuine benefit to users...more mileage.

And he went on to demonstrate that message in a dramatic way in this 60 second televsion ad...

Many other gasoline companies used similar additives in their fuel and an almost identical manufacturing process.

But because Shell was the first to explain that process and how those additives could be of genuine benefit to gas buyers they gained preeminence in the market...

Any other gas company now saying "we also use platformate to increase gas mileage" is automatically comparing themselves to Shell who first explained the benefits.

And giving Shell free advertising AND in all likelihood entrenching Shell's position as the gas quality leader in gas buyers minds.

Claude Hopkins did something very similar decades before when he established Schlitz beer as a genuinely pure by explaining the sophisticated filtering and brewing methods used to manufacture pure beer.

You can turn a standard practice in your industry into a huge "unique" benefit if you're the first to really explain the benefits of that practice to your prospect and tie it into your product or service.

Also read...
David Ogilvy FREE 55 Minute Video
Jay Abraham, Claude Hopkins, Schlitz Beer And Preeminence
Online Video On Your Salesletters
Multiply The Impact Of Your Sales Message
Marketing With YouTube And Online Video

Kindest regards,
Andrew Cavanagh

More FREE High Value Online Copywriting Secrets Than Any Other Site On Earth. Andrew Cavanagh's Online Copywriting Blog

Products From Andrew Cavanagh:

Offers Unleashed: How Many Of These 17
Profit Multiplying Offers Is Your Website Missing?

Make $1,500 Today: This 48 Page Report Reveals
The Simple Step By Step System For Selling Your Online
Marketing Skills To Businesses Right In Your City

$500 In 24 Hours Without A Website: From Offline Store Front
To Online Gold. Charge Local Businesses To Explode Their Sales From Walk Past Traffic And Turn That Traffic Into Long Term Online Income (Perfect For Copywriters)

Online Gold For The Offline Business: The Definitive
eBook On How To Use Online Marketing To Power Up
The Profits In Any Brick And Mortar Business

Make My Website Sell: FREE 11 Minute Video
Insider Secrets Of Web Design That Sells

$7 Secrets: How I Made Over $3,000 In Just 7 Days
By Selling A 30 Page Report For $7

Make Money Copywriting: 34 Insider Secrets To Making Money
As A Copywriter And How To Land Your First Copywriting Client

David Ogilvy Video Direct Response Advertising

David Ogilvy was a pioneer in advertising and argued vehemently that all advertising should be tracked and tested so you would know exactly what sales it was bringing in.

In this 7 minute video Ogilvy talks about the power of direct response advertising over regular advertising...

Here are a few quotes from David Ogilvy on advertising...

"Never stop testing, and your advertising will never stop improving."

"Ninety-nine percent of advertising doesn't sell much of anything."

"Our business is infested with idiots who try to impress by using pretentious jargon."

"Advertising is a business of words, but advertising agencies are infested with men and women who cannot write. They cannot write advertisements, and they cannot write plans. They are helpless as deaf mutes on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera."

"Advertising people who ignore research are as dangerous as generals who ignore decodes of enemy signals."

"In the modern world of business, it is useless to be a creative, original thinker unless you can also sell what you create."

"The most important word in the vocabulary of advertising is TEST. If you pretest your product with consumers, and pretest your advertising, you will do well in the marketplace."

For a full FREE 55 minute video of David Ogilvy talking about advertising go here...
David Ogilvy FREE 55 Minute Video

Kindest regards,
Andrew Cavanagh

More FREE High Value Online Copywriting Secrets Than Any Other Site On Earth. Andrew Cavanagh's Online Copywriting Blog

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Offers Unleashed: How Many Of These 17
Profit Multiplying Offers Is Your Website Missing?

Make $1,500 Today: This 48 Page Report Reveals
The Simple Step By Step System For Selling Your Online
Marketing Skills To Businesses Right In Your City

$500 In 24 Hours Without A Website: From Offline Store Front
To Online Gold. Charge Local Businesses To Explode Their Sales From Walk Past Traffic And Turn That Traffic Into Long Term Online Income (Perfect For Copywriters)

Online Gold For The Offline Business: The Definitive
eBook On How To Use Online Marketing To Power Up
The Profits In Any Brick And Mortar Business

Make My Website Sell: FREE 11 Minute Video
Insider Secrets Of Web Design That Sells

$7 Secrets: How I Made Over $3,000 In Just 7 Days
By Selling A 30 Page Report For $7

Make Money Copywriting: 34 Insider Secrets To Making Money
As A Copywriter And How To Land Your First Copywriting Client

David Ogilvy FREE 55 Minute Video

David Ogilvy was a brilliant direct response advertising pioneer.

He believed ardently in testing every ad so you KNEW exactly what response you were getting and exactly how much money you were making.

One of his more famous print ads had the unforgettable headline...
"At Sixty Miles An Hour The Loudest Noise In This New Rolls Royce
Is The Ticking Of The Electric Clock"

In this 55 minute video Ogilvy talks about his wide life experience in door to door sales, working for the Morgan Gallup polls and of course his tremendous insights into advertising and marketing...

Here are a few great quotes from David Ogilvy (Important note: don't click on the links till AFTER you've finished watching your David Ogilvy video)...

"Good copy can't be written with tongue in cheek, written just for a living. You've got to believe in the product."

"I don't know the rules of grammar. If you're trying to persuade people to do something or buy something, it seems to me you should use their language...the language they use every day...the language in which they think."

"I have a theory that the best ads come from personal experience. Some of the good ones I have done have really come out of the real experience of my life and somehow this has come over as true and valid and persuasive."
Also watch...
A Powerful $20 Million Low Key Sales Presentation

"It has taken more than a hundred scientists two years to find out how to make the product in question; I have been given thirty days to create its personality and plan its launching. If I do my job well, I shall contribute as much as the hundred scientists to the success of this product."

"It is flagrantly dishonest for an advertising agent to urge consumers to buy a product which he would not allow his own wife to buy."

"Never write an advertisement which you wouldn't want your family to read. You wouldn't tell lies to your own wife. Don't tell them to mine."
Also read...
Is Operation Moneysuck A Loser's Dead End?

"It takes a big idea to attract the attention of consumers and get them to buy your product. Unless your advertising contains a big idea, it will pass like a ship in the night. I doubt if more than one campaign in a hundred contains a big idea."

"Much of the messy advertising you see on television today is the product of committees. Committees can criticize advertisements, but they should never be allowed to create them."

"On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar."
For more on headlines see...
41%+ Response From This Headline Secret

"The best ideas come as jokes. Make your thinking as funny as possible."

"The more informative your advertising, the more persuasive it will be."

"There is no need for advertisements to look like advertisements. If you make them look like editorial pages, you will attract about 50 per cent more readers."
For more on this concept see...
The Secret To Web Design That Breaks Your Prospect's Resistance
Gary Halbert Video: Breaking Your Prospect's Sales Resistance

"What really decides consumers to buy or not to buy is the content of your advertising, not its form."

"You have only 30 seconds in a TV commercial. If you grab attention in the first frame with a visual surprise, you stand a better chance of holding the viewer. People screen out a lot of commercials because they open with something dull... When you advertise fire-extinguishers, open with the fire."
For more on powerful openings to TV or online video ads see...
Multiply The Impact Of Your Sales Message

Kindest regards,
Andrew Cavanagh

More FREE High Value Online Copywriting Secrets Than Any Other Site On Earth. Andrew Cavanagh's Online Copywriting Blog

Products From Andrew Cavanagh:

Offers Unleashed: How Many Of These 17
Profit Multiplying Offers Is Your Website Missing?

Make $1,500 Today: This 48 Page Report Reveals
The Simple Step By Step System For Selling Your Online
Marketing Skills To Businesses Right In Your City

$500 In 24 Hours Without A Website: From Offline Store Front
To Online Gold. Charge Local Businesses To Explode Their Sales From Walk Past Traffic And Turn That Traffic Into Long Term Online Income (Perfect For Copywriters)

Online Gold For The Offline Business: The Definitive
eBook On How To Use Online Marketing To Power Up
The Profits In Any Brick And Mortar Business

Make My Website Sell: FREE 11 Minute Video
Insider Secrets Of Web Design That Sells

$7 Secrets: How I Made Over $3,000 In Just 7 Days
By Selling A 30 Page Report For $7

Make Money Copywriting: 34 Insider Secrets To Making Money
As A Copywriter And How To Land Your First Copywriting Client

Claude Hopkins: Market To Individuals Not Masses

In our online marketing when we're split testing and trying to get the maximum response we have a tendency to think in terms of conversions and the next test that can increase our response.

But you need to remember you're selling to real living, breathing and loving people.

And you'll get the biggest breakthroughs by treating prospects and clients the way you like to be a special, unique individuals.

One secret is to create multiple sites for one product niched as tightly as possible to smaller groups of your best prospects.

This is not new information limited just to online marketing.

The pioneering ad man Claude Hopkins wrote about marketing to individuals in the thirties in his book "My Life In Advertising".

Here's an excerpt...

"One of the clients of J. L. Stack was Montgomery Ward & Company.

I wrote and directed their advertising. Many new merchandising plans were inaugurated.

My everlasting argument was against dealing with people in the mass.

For instance a woman wrote in about a sewing machine. She had that and nothing else on her mind.

The general plan then was to send a catalog treating all inquiries alike.


We had a special catalog on sewing machines showing every style and price.

We sent every inquirer the names of all in her vicinity who had bought our sewing machines. We asked her to see the machines and to talk with their owners.

There I learned another valuable principle in advertising.

In a wide reaching campaign we are too apt to regard people in the mass. We try to broadcast our seed in the hope that some part will take root.

That is too wasteful to ever bring a profit. We must get down to individuals.


Consider the person who stands before you with certain expressed desires.

However big your business get down to the units because those units are all that make size."

Also read...
50 Times The Profits Niche Marketing Online
How To Get Into The Mind Of Your Prospect
Gary Halbert Video: Triple Your Online Orders?
Gary Halbert Video: Triple Your Online Orders Part 2

Claude Hopkins: The Power Of Samples And Trials
Claude Hopkins: Schlitz Beer Ad
Claude Hopkins, Jay Abraham, Schlitz Beer And Preeminence

Kindest regards,
Andrew Cavanagh

More FREE High Value Online Copywriting Secrets Than Any Other Site On Earth. Andrew Cavanagh's Online Copywriting Blog

Products From Andrew Cavanagh:

Offers Unleashed: How Many Of These 17
Profit Multiplying Offers Is Your Website Missing?

Make $1,500 Today: This 48 Page Report Reveals
The Simple Step By Step System For Selling Your Online
Marketing Skills To Businesses Right In Your City

$500 In 24 Hours Without A Website: From Offline Store Front
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Online Gold For The Offline Business: The Definitive
eBook On How To Use Online Marketing To Power Up
The Profits In Any Brick And Mortar Business

Make My Website Sell: FREE 11 Minute Video
Insider Secrets Of Web Design That Sells

$7 Secrets: How I Made Over $3,000 In Just 7 Days
By Selling A 30 Page Report For $7

Make Money Copywriting: 34 Insider Secrets To Making Money
As A Copywriter And How To Land Your First Copywriting Client

Wall Street Journal Letter

The Wall Street Journal Letter is one of the world's most famous copywriting controls.

This fantastic sales letter written by the late copywriter Martin Conroy was used continuously for 28 years...making it the longest running control in history.

Here is a copy of the letter (you can click on each image to see the full size. They both open in separate windows)...

What made this sales letter so effective?

First it starts with an interesting story...two young men graduating from the same college...both about the same in intelligence and academic achievements.

Yet one man goes on to success while the other leads an average life.

And the difference is in the knowledge the second man gains from the Wall Street Journal.

This is a simple but effective dramatization of the value of reading the Journal.

The letter is also low key.

It draws you in gently then softly lays out all the facts, all the benefits...

"There is page after page inside The Journal filled with fascinating and significant information that's useful to you. A daily column on personal money management helps you become a smarter saver, better investor, wiser spender."

"There are weekly columns on small business, marketing, real estate, technology, regional developments."

Then there's the "GREAT INTRODUCTORY PRICE!" and a solid call to action with a strong guarantee repeated in 2 different ways.

Finally you have to love that P.S. if you're a businessman..."It's important to note that The Journal's subscription price may be tax deductible."

I suggest you write out this famous ad by hand so you can internalize every key selling element.

Also read...
Another Famous Wall Street Journal Letter
Bruce Barton's Original Wall Street Journal Letter
Secrets To Story Telling That Multiplies Your Sales
Drama Multiplies The Impact Of Your Sales Message
Jay Abraham Luger Sales Letter 20% Response

Low Key Copywriting Sells
Is This Copywriting Mistake Killing Your Sales?
How To Grab Attention Without Over Hyped Language

Kindest regards,
Andrew Cavanagh

More FREE High Value Online Copywriting Secrets Than Any Other Site On Earth. Andrew Cavanagh's Online Copywriting Blog

Products From Andrew Cavanagh:

Offers Unleashed: How Many Of These 17
Profit Multiplying Offers Is Your Website Missing?

Make $1,500 Today: This 48 Page Report Reveals
The Simple Step By Step System For Selling Your Online
Marketing Skills To Businesses Right In Your City

$500 In 24 Hours Without A Website: From Offline Store Front
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Online Gold For The Offline Business: The Definitive
eBook On How To Use Online Marketing To Power Up
The Profits In Any Brick And Mortar Business

Make My Website Sell: FREE 11 Minute Video
Insider Secrets Of Web Design That Sells

$7 Secrets: How I Made Over $3,000 In Just 7 Days
By Selling A 30 Page Report For $7

Make Money Copywriting: 34 Insider Secrets To Making Money
As A Copywriter And How To Land Your First Copywriting Client

Headline Swipe File

Often you can create a powerful headline by "swiping" from some of the most successful headlines in history.

Here are a few classic headlines that brought in millions of dollars in sales...

Do You Make These Mistakes In English?

The Lazy Mans Way To Riches...

How A Fool Stunt Turned Me Into A Star Salesman

The Loudest Noise You Can Hear In This New Rolls Royce Is The Ticking Of The Electric Clock

The Amazing Face Lift In A Jar Used By Hollywood Stars Who Don't Want Plastic Surgery

Wife Of Famous Movie Star Swears Under Oath That Her New Perfume Does Not Contain An Illegal Sexual Stimulant

The Amazing Secret Of A Marketing Genius Who Is Afraid To Fly

This Book Could Put You On Easy Street While It Puts Us In Jail

Amazing Secret Discovered By One-Legged Golfer Adds 50 Yards to Your Drives, Eliminates Hooks and Slices... and Can Slash Up to 10 Strokes From Your Game Almost Overnight

How To Win Friends And Influence People

How To Perform Major Surgery On Your Doctor, Drug
Hospital And Dental Bills

How To Out Fox The Foxes
263 Secrets The Law And Lawyers Don't Want You To Know!

Also read...
4 Eyeball Sucking Headline Secrets
Headline Secrets
Which Of These 2 Headlines Grabs You?
41% Response From This Headline Secret

Kindest regards,
Andrew Cavanagh

More FREE High Value Online Copywriting Secrets Than Any Other Site On Earth. Andrew Cavanagh's Online Copywriting Blog

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Offers Unleashed: How Many Of These 17
Profit Multiplying Offers Is Your Website Missing?

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Marketing Skills To Businesses Right In Your City

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Online Gold For The Offline Business: The Definitive
eBook On How To Use Online Marketing To Power Up
The Profits In Any Brick And Mortar Business

Make My Website Sell: FREE 11 Minute Video
Insider Secrets Of Web Design That Sells

$7 Secrets: How I Made Over $3,000 In Just 7 Days
By Selling A 30 Page Report For $7

Make Money Copywriting: 34 Insider Secrets To Making Money
As A Copywriter And How To Land Your First Copywriting Client

Claude Hopkins: The Power Of Samples And Trials

Here's what the great advertising pioneer Claude Hopkins says about the power of samples and trials in your sales copy.

This excerpt is from Claude Hopkins autobiography My Life In Advertising...

"When I was ten years old mother was left a widow. From that time on I had to support myself and contribute to the support of the family.

I did this in many ways but the only ways that count here are those which affected my after-career.

Mother made a silver polish. I molded it into cake form and wrapped it in pretty paper. Then I went from house to house to sell it.

I found that I sold about one woman in ten by merely talking the polish at the door. BUT WHEN I COULD GET INTO THE PANTRY AND DEMONSTRATE THE POLISH I SOLD TO NEARLY ALL.

That taught me the rudiments of another lesson I have never forgotten. A good article is its own best salesman.

It is uphill work to sell goods in print or in person without samples.

The hardest struggle of my life has been to educate advertisers in the use of samples. Or to trials of some kind.

They would not think of sending out a salesman without samples. But they will spend fortunes on advertising to urge people to buy without seeing or testing.

Some say that samples cost too much. Some argue that repeaters will ask for them again and again. But persuasion alone is vastly more expensive.

I wish that any advertiser who does not believe that would do what I did with that silver polish. It taught me a lesson that has saved advertisers a good many millions of dollars.

It will teach any man in one day that selling without samples is many times as hard as with them.

I learned this also from street fakers.

I stood for hours to listen to them in the torchlight. I realize now that I drank in their methods and theories.


It is amazing how many advertisers know less than those men about salesmanship."

Also read...
Multiply The Impact Of Your Sales Message
Dramatic David Ogilvy Television Ad
YouTube Marketing
The Secret To Story Telling That Multiplies Your Sales

Action Photos Dramatically Increase Response
Claude Hopkins Schlitz Beer Ad
Claude Hopkins, Jay Abraham, Schlitz Beer And Preeminence
Claude Hopkins: Market To Individuals Not Masses

Kindest regards,
Andrew Cavanagh

More FREE High Value Online Copywriting Secrets Than Any Other Site On Earth. Andrew Cavanagh's Online Copywriting Blog

Products From Andrew Cavanagh:

Offers Unleashed: How Many Of These 17
Profit Multiplying Offers Is Your Website Missing?

Make $1,500 Today: This 48 Page Report Reveals
The Simple Step By Step System For Selling Your Online
Marketing Skills To Businesses Right In Your City

$500 In 24 Hours Without A Website: From Offline Store Front
To Online Gold. Charge Local Businesses To Explode Their Sales From Walk Past Traffic And Turn That Traffic Into Long Term Online Income (Perfect For Copywriters)

Online Gold For The Offline Business: The Definitive
eBook On How To Use Online Marketing To Power Up
The Profits In Any Brick And Mortar Business

Make My Website Sell: FREE 11 Minute Video
Insider Secrets Of Web Design That Sells

$7 Secrets: How I Made Over $3,000 In Just 7 Days
By Selling A 30 Page Report For $7

Make Money Copywriting: 34 Insider Secrets To Making Money
As A Copywriter And How To Land Your First Copywriting Client

Copywriting Seminars

Here are 4 completely FREE copywriting seminars you can watch or listen to on this site.

1. A full 68 minute seminar on writing web copy by online marketing pioneer Alex Mandossian.

You can watch this full video completely FREE here...
Alex Mandossian Copywriting Seminar Free Video

2. Dan Kennedy delivering his fantastic Magnetic Marketing seminar live.

Dan Kennedy is one of the world's greatest copywriters and this audio is a must listen...
Dan Kennedy Magnetic Marketing Copywriting Seminar FREE

3. How to find a hungry market online by Andrew Cavanagh and Jesse Forrest.

This 58 minute copywriting audio is also filled with key lessons for any aspiring copywriter or online marketer...
How To Find A Hungry Market Online FREE

4. David Ogilvy on advertising 55 minute interview.

David Ogilvy was an advertising pioneer and a brilliant copywriter. In this video he talks about his life and the lessons he learned about effective advertising.
David Ogilvy FREE 55 Minute Video

Kindest regards,
Andrew Cavanagh

More FREE High Value Online Copywriting Secrets Than Any Other Site On Earth. Andrew Cavanagh's Online Copywriting Blog

Products From Andrew Cavanagh:

Offers Unleashed: How Many Of These 17
Profit Multiplying Offers Is Your Website Missing?

Make $1,500 Today: This 48 Page Report Reveals
The Simple Step By Step System For Selling Your Online
Marketing Skills To Businesses Right In Your City

$500 In 24 Hours Without A Website: From Offline Store Front
To Online Gold. Charge Local Businesses To Explode Their Sales From Walk Past Traffic And Turn That Traffic Into Long Term Online Income (Perfect For Copywriters)

Online Gold For The Offline Business: The Definitive
eBook On How To Use Online Marketing To Power Up
The Profits In Any Brick And Mortar Business

Make My Website Sell: FREE 11 Minute Video
Insider Secrets Of Web Design That Sells

$7 Secrets: How I Made Over $3,000 In Just 7 Days
By Selling A 30 Page Report For $7

Make Money Copywriting: 34 Insider Secrets To Making Money
As A Copywriter And How To Land Your First Copywriting Client

Turning Tables And Captions In Your Copy To Gold

The way you use your copy in tables, in captions under photos and in highlighted sections can make a dramatic difference to your response rate.

Many visitors to your sales letters and optin pages scan your copy looking for something interesting that catches their eye.

We know powerful headlines, subheads and opening lines help stop the scanners and draw them into reading your copy.

In the same way when you create a different colored table and give it a sexy, appealing headline you increase your chances that a scanner will be drawn into reading the content.

But you can go much much further than that.

Most copywriters make the mistake of starting and completing an idea inside the table.

This seems to make perfect sense from a layout perspective but you are missing out on a GOLDEN opportunity to get your prospect to read your body copy.

What should you do instead?

Start your idea inside the table.

Be sure there's a REALLY appealing headline at the top of that table.

But don't finish the whole story inside the table.

Make the last sentence in the table the lead up to the really juicy part.

eg. "That's when I discovered exactly how to make $2,500 a week extra with this simple 5 minute change..."

Your prospect has to keep reading.

And he's now out of the table into your body copy.

It's the same with captions under your photos.

We've tested it and you can massively increase your response rates by using captions that force your prospect to read the copy.

eg. "John Smith with the new $1,678,234 home he bought with cash using the simple secret revealed below"

Or "Bill Jones revealing the 'power force' secret you can discover FREE by signing up below"

I'm giving you a genuine secret here very few copywriters ever use.

Force your prospect to keep reading or take some kind of action at the end of your tables or with the captions under your photos.

Also see...
FREE Video: How To Design A Website Page That Sells
Action Photos Dramatically Increase Response

Kindest regards,
Andrew Cavanagh

More FREE High Value Online Copywriting Secrets Than Any Other Site On Earth. Andrew Cavanagh's Online Copywriting Blog

Products From Andrew Cavanagh:

Offers Unleashed: How Many Of These 17
Profit Multiplying Offers Is Your Website Missing?

Make $1,500 Today: This 48 Page Report Reveals
The Simple Step By Step System For Selling Your Online
Marketing Skills To Businesses Right In Your City

$500 In 24 Hours Without A Website: From Offline Store Front
To Online Gold. Charge Local Businesses To Explode Their Sales From Walk Past Traffic And Turn That Traffic Into Long Term Online Income (Perfect For Copywriters)

Online Gold For The Offline Business: The Definitive
eBook On How To Use Online Marketing To Power Up
The Profits In Any Brick And Mortar Business

Make My Website Sell: FREE 11 Minute Video
Insider Secrets Of Web Design That Sells

$7 Secrets: How I Made Over $3,000 In Just 7 Days
By Selling A 30 Page Report For $7

Make Money Copywriting: 34 Insider Secrets To Making Money
As A Copywriter And How To Land Your First Copywriting Client

Is This The Greatest USP In History?

Creating a powerful Unique Selling Proposition (USP) in your advertising can dramatically increase your sales and get the main benefit of doing business with you firmly entrenched in your prospect's mind.

The key to a powerful unique selling proposition is to find something you do...some benefit you give your clients...that is truly unique.

Something no one else is offering. Ideally something no one else can offer.

At the end of this famous and very entertaining ad you'll see what I believe is one of the greatest Unique Selling Propositions in history (this video runs for 56 seconds)...

Fedex gained market dominance with their brilliant slogan...

"When It Absolutely, Positively Has To Be There Overnight."

Ask yourself "What am I offering?"

"What is it that sets my business, my product apart from everyone else?"

"What do I do that's truly unique?"

And tell your prospects about it.

Also read...
Multiply The Impact Of Your Sales Message

Kindest regards,
Andrew Cavanagh

More FREE High Value Online Copywriting Secrets Than Any Other Site On Earth. Andrew Cavanagh's Online Copywriting Blog

Products From Andrew Cavanagh:

Offers Unleashed: How Many Of These 17
Profit Multiplying Offers Is Your Website Missing?

Make $1,500 Today: This 48 Page Report Reveals
The Simple Step By Step System For Selling Your Online
Marketing Skills To Businesses Right In Your City

$500 In 24 Hours Without A Website: From Offline Store Front
To Online Gold. Charge Local Businesses To Explode Their Sales From Walk Past Traffic And Turn That Traffic Into Long Term Online Income (Perfect For Copywriters)

Online Gold For The Offline Business: The Definitive
eBook On How To Use Online Marketing To Power Up
The Profits In Any Brick And Mortar Business

Make My Website Sell: FREE 11 Minute Video
Insider Secrets Of Web Design That Sells

$7 Secrets: How I Made Over $3,000 In Just 7 Days
By Selling A 30 Page Report For $7

Make Money Copywriting: 34 Insider Secrets To Making Money
As A Copywriter And How To Land Your First Copywriting Client

Free Hugs: Is "Free" Killing Your Sales...?

In case you haven't seen it the video below is Juan Mann giving out "free hugs" in the mall in Sydney.

This heartwarming video has been viewed over 18 MILLION times on YouTube, got Juan interviewed on Oprah and a whole range of other shows and turned the song on the clip into a smash hit.

But there's another HUGE marketing lesson you can discover if you watch this video carefully (it runs for 3 minutes and 39 seconds...)

Notice in the video how it takes quite some time before someone actually takes Juan up on his fabulous offer of a free hug.

Juan is honestly not expecting anything in return for his hugs.

It's a great product given completely free no strings attached.

The first time Juan decided to try this "free hugging" he was standing in a busy mall for over 15 minutes.

No one took him up on his offer.

Then a little old lady came up and they had a very awkward hug...

And she told him a year ago today her daughter died and today her daughter's dog had died too.

On the second day of Juan's free hugging a man had climbed to a roof nearby and was ready to jump off to his death.

He saw Juan giving out free hugs, changed his mind and came down off the roof.

Juan is giving out the greatest service on earth...a service so great that just watching it given can stop someone from committing suicide.

And still he gets tremendous resistance.

We just don't trust that word "free".

We have all kinds of walls we put up to protect ourselves from being ripped off.

And we know in our modern world "there is no free lunch."

So it's vital if you give away something free in your marketing that you build value and trust.

In Juan's case they could see value and trust once things got rolling.

They could see the smiling faces of people being hugged.

They could see real hugs were being delivered with nothing being asked for in return.

And that brings us to another powerful marketing secret you can learn from this video.

Many years ago I ran multiple stalls in the markets.

And we found that it was VERY hard to sell products or even get prospects to look at your products when your market stall was empty.

But once you had one or two prospects in your stall it was like a magnet. Nearly everyone would stop and look.

Remember we're social animals.


How do you get these 2 huge marketing secrets working in your favor?

1. If you offer something free keep in mind you have to build the value of that free offer.

2. Remember you may have to PROVE that your offer is genuinely free with no strings attached.

3. Explain your motivation for giving something of high value away free. Explaining your selfish motives helps your prospects accept that your offer is real.

4. A whole range of testimonials can help enormously to prove that your free offer is valuable especially if your prospect knows the person featured in a testimonial.

5. Ideally get someone who knows your prospects and has a solid relationship of trust built with them to recommend your free offer.

Remember you can have the greatest product or service in the world...a product that can only do good for your prospect...

And you may even be giving it away completely free with no strings attached (like Juan Mann) but you still have to educate and influence your prospect that your offer is genuine and valuable.

Also read...
Multiply The Impact Of Your Sales Message
Over 101 Copywriting Tips Including Video, Reports And More
3 Powerful Secrets Of Online Copy: FREE Report
Why Is Story Telling So Effective?
How To Grab Attention Without Over-Hyped Language

Kindest regards,
Andrew Cavanagh

More FREE High Value Online Copywriting Secrets Than Any Other Site On Earth. Andrew Cavanagh's Online Copywriting Blog

Products From Andrew Cavanagh:

Offers Unleashed: How Many Of These 17
Profit Multiplying Offers Is Your Website Missing?

Make $1,500 Today: This 48 Page Report Reveals
The Simple Step By Step System For Selling Your Online
Marketing Skills To Businesses Right In Your City

$500 In 24 Hours Without A Website: From Offline Store Front
To Online Gold. Charge Local Businesses To Explode Their Sales From Walk Past Traffic And Turn That Traffic Into Long Term Online Income (Perfect For Copywriters)

Online Gold For The Offline Business: The Definitive
eBook On How To Use Online Marketing To Power Up
The Profits In Any Brick And Mortar Business

Make My Website Sell: FREE 11 Minute Video
Insider Secrets Of Web Design That Sells

$7 Secrets: How I Made Over $3,000 In Just 7 Days
By Selling A 30 Page Report For $7

Make Money Copywriting: 34 Insider Secrets To Making Money
As A Copywriter And How To Land Your First Copywriting Client

Multiply The Impact Of Your Sales Message

Here's a secret that will massively increase the dramatic impact of your sales message.

If you were selling a waterproof, shock resistant watch you could write pages and pages about how the watch has a special seal, how the internal workings are specially cushioned so they can withstand being dropped or banged up against heavy objects.

Or you could strap the watch on to the underbelly of a speed boat and run it at maximum speed through heavy chop...

And film the whole thing (watch this 1 minute video)...

The old slogan for Timex watches was "Takes a licking and keeps on ticking".

Which really doesn't mean much until you see the watch smashed in surf by a speed boat or shot on the end of an arrow through a pane of glass and into a tank of water.

The secret it to SHOW that your product does exactly what you claim it can do in the most exciting way possible.

That's proof your prospect can see with his own eyes.

A great demonstration is engaging, intriguing, draws your prospect in.

And it can create a buzz...."Did you see what those guys did with a Timex strapping it onto the front of a speed boat and smashing it around in the surf?"

You can use this principle with information products, software and nearly any other product you can imagine.

It just takes a little creativity.

Ask yourself "How can I dramatize what this product will do for my prospects?"

I've seen SEO blog expert Tinu Abayomi Paul proving the information in her book would help anyone starting from scratch get multiple first page rankings in Google and Yahoo.

How did she do it?

She started from scratch with a completely new blog and step by step, following the instructions in her ebook she built that blog...and got multiple first page rankings on Google and Yahoo.

And she recorded everything on video!

If you say your software is so simple a 10 year old girl could use it that's simple enough to prove isn't it?

And it makes great video, photos etc for your sales copy and all your sales promotions.

Don't just tell me how your product will make a difference in my life...SHOW me.


As Dale Carnegie says in Part 3 Chapter 11 of How To Win Friends and Influence People...

The movies do it. Radio does it. Why don't you do it?

If you want to win people to your way of thinking (and compel them to buy from you) DRAMATIZE your ideas.

Also read...
Famous David Ogilvy TV Ad
YouTube Marketing
Online Video On Your Salesletters
Video Marketing Online: How To CRUSH A Business
The Secret To Story Telling That Multiplies Your Sales
Action Photos Dramatically Increase Response

Kindest regards,
Andrew Cavanagh

More FREE High Value Online Copywriting Secrets Than Any Other Site On Earth. Andrew Cavanagh's Online Copywriting Blog

Products From Andrew Cavanagh:

Offers Unleashed: How Many Of These 17
Profit Multiplying Offers Is Your Website Missing?

Make $1,500 Today: This 48 Page Report Reveals
The Simple Step By Step System For Selling Your Online
Marketing Skills To Businesses Right In Your City

$500 In 24 Hours Without A Website: From Offline Store Front
To Online Gold. Charge Local Businesses To Explode Their Sales From Walk Past Traffic And Turn That Traffic Into Long Term Online Income (Perfect For Copywriters)

Online Gold For The Offline Business: The Definitive
eBook On How To Use Online Marketing To Power Up
The Profits In Any Brick And Mortar Business

Make My Website Sell: FREE 11 Minute Video
Insider Secrets Of Web Design That Sells

$7 Secrets: How I Made Over $3,000 In Just 7 Days
By Selling A 30 Page Report For $7

Make Money Copywriting: 34 Insider Secrets To Making Money
As A Copywriter And How To Land Your First Copywriting Client

Breaking Your Prospect's Sales Resistance

In this video the late great copywriter Gary Halbert talks about his experience selling encyclopedias door to door.

This free video runs for 1 minute and 24 seconds...

Gary radically increased his chance of getting in the front door by looking like an ordinary caller at his prospect's house instead of looking like a salesman.

This is a powerful secret to selling and to writing copy.

First we all have tremendous resistance to being sold and to salespeople.

And one of the biggest keys to bypassing that resistance is look and act differently to the average salesperson, the average ad, the average sales pitch.

In one on one sales you could act the way a real friend would or a paid consultant would...anything to make you seem more like someone your prospect can trust...someone they'd talk to and let in their home every day.


You make that copy look like a valuable report or an interesting article or a story.

And you pack it with interesting, useful information.

When your copy looks like something your prospect would normally read you get around the whole "salesman at my door with a pitch" problem.

And you become a welcome guest in your prospect's home.

Also read...
The Secret To Web Design That Breaks Your Prospect's Resistance
Gary Halbert Copywriting
Gary Halbert Video - Triple Your Online Orders
Gary Halbert Video - Triple Your Online Orders Part 2
Gary Halbert Video - Being Accessible Multiplies Sales

Kindest regards,
Andrew Cavanagh

More FREE High Value Online Copywriting Secrets Than Any Other Site On Earth. Andrew Cavanagh's Online Copywriting Blog

Products From Andrew Cavanagh:

Offers Unleashed: How Many Of These 17
Profit Multiplying Offers Is Your Website Missing?

Make $1,500 Today: This 48 Page Report Reveals
The Simple Step By Step System For Selling Your Online
Marketing Skills To Businesses Right In Your City

$500 In 24 Hours Without A Website: From Offline Store Front
To Online Gold. Charge Local Businesses To Explode Their Sales From Walk Past Traffic And Turn That Traffic Into Long Term Online Income (Perfect For Copywriters)

Online Gold For The Offline Business: The Definitive
eBook On How To Use Online Marketing To Power Up
The Profits In Any Brick And Mortar Business

Make My Website Sell: FREE 11 Minute Video
Insider Secrets Of Web Design That Sells

$7 Secrets: How I Made Over $3,000 In Just 7 Days
By Selling A 30 Page Report For $7

Make Money Copywriting: 34 Insider Secrets To Making Money
As A Copywriter And How To Land Your First Copywriting Client